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Questions and Answers: What is the connection between alcoholism and abduction?


Questions and Answers

What is the connection between alcoholism and abduction?

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I have a friend who has alien abduction experiences but will not talk about them. He is an alcoholic and I believe very depressed. He feels as though he is being controlled in some way. He also says that he is not supposed to remember certain things and is somewhat frightened of talking about the experiences. Do you think I should just leave it alone or try to get him to attend some sort of therapy or group thing? I know he is not lying because I saw an unusual craft one night when I was with him. Thank you for your time.


It is unfortunate that your friend is having a tough time. The best thing you can do is to get him some therapeutic help for his drinking. Unfortunately, many abductees can't cope with the stress of the aliens, and end up having problems with drugs or drinking. Other abductees take too much over the counter medicine or prescription drugs in order to numb themselves out. Aside from life being just plain difficult, it seems that people who have encountered aliens carry a double burden. I am not saying your friend is an abductee, but he needs professional help. If you are curious about the abduction phenomena, you may want to read up on it here at this web site, but don't burden him with it right now. Getting him help for his drinking is the best thing you can do for him. He can explore the abduction phenomena later when he takes care of his bigger problem.

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