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Questions and Answers: What is the significance of the date 12-24-2011?


Questions and Answers

What is the significance of the date 12-24-2011?

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I know that something is going on. But just what, I am not quite sure. I know that it has all happened before, or so history tells us, and it is going to happen again. The date 12-24-2011 has been with me since I was 8 years old. I will be 57 years old next month. Does anyone know what it means?


Many different dates in that time period have been postulated by abductees. Have you looked into the dates on the Mayan calendar? Supposedly, this calendar ends in 2012, with a lot of speculation as to why.  Many people have speculated on the end of the world, though it could just as easily represent a new beginning or a new dawning of the "age of aliens." How did you get your information at the age of 8, since you probably had not heard about the Mayan calendar back then!

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