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Questions and Answers: Is a compulsive desire to read abduction books significant?


Questions and Answers

Is a compulsive desire to read abduction books significant?

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Is a compulsive desire and interest to buy and read every book on UFO's an indication of alien abduction? In the last year and a half, I have bought and read over 75 books on such subjects as alien abductions, Area 51, Dreamland, Roswell, etc., literally everything I can get my hands on. This was not an interest in the past except during my teenage years.


Yes, reading more than 75 books in a short time frame is certainly an important indicator. In fact, asking people how many abduction books they have read would have been an appropriate question for the survey!

We understand your desire to read these books. We're about 50 books behind already in our book review section! We also have written one book due out in the fall and are gathering people's stories for the second book. They're definitely "must read" books.

As far as concern, our suggestion is to keep reading and exploring. Not everyone (contrary to popular belief) has negative experiences with aliens. Read and post to our bulletin board to get a sense of what others are experiencing.

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