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Questions and Answers: Did astronauts of the lunar missions actually see extraterrestrials during a lunar landing?


Questions and Answers

Did astronauts of the lunar missions actually see extraterrestrials during a lunar landing?

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A friend told me that Astronauts of the lunar missions actually saw extraterrestrials during a lunar landing and that this information was relayed to mission control by means of code due to the live TV audience. Is there truth to this or is this UFO folklore?


To our knowledge, none of the astronauts on the Apollo missions saw any aliens walking on the moon. However it appears there has been a lot of activity on the moon throughout the centuries. There are some Lunar observer sites on the internet that watch for this kind of activity.

I will mention this one event because of the source. One night in 1983, I was having dinner with Dr. Hynek going over a case of mine that was similar to one he was working on in South America. He told me once he was on board a ship bound for Africa and that Neil Armstrong was on the same ship. Neil Armstrong without much detail told Dr. Hynek that some of the sites chosen for the Apollo landings where supposed to be near these areas of Lunar activity. That was all the information Dr. Hynek could get out of Neil Armstrong.

Joseph Stewart

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