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Questions and Answers: Why can't I remember my missing time?


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Why can't I remember my missing time?

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In my missing time experience, I saw nothing, heard nothing. All was normal, except we lost one hour and that is all. No UFO, no flash of light, no . . . nothing, and I can't explain it, can you?


If missing time could be remembered, it would not be called missing time. Missing time is just that, time that is missing while awake. For those who have never experienced missing time, it is difficult to imagine. Most abductees have experienced missing time. Those who have not, have most likely experienced it, but were unaware of the passage of time, or were abducted while asleep. But when the conscious individual has not been in an accident, or in an unconscious state, or in a chemically or medically altered state, or found to be suffering from other medical conditions, there have been no other explanations for missing time, except alien abduction.

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