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Alien and UFO Research: Examination of Stain Area on Betty Hill's 1961 Abduction Dress


Alien and UFO Research

Examination of Stain Area on Betty Hill's 1961 Abduction Dress

Alien and UFO Research

Betty Hill with Junior (alien head on table) and Dr. Charles Lietzau at MUFON International Symposium, Rochester, New York 2002. Photo credit Bill Konkolesky

In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill encountered a UFO while driving home from their honeymoon. After experiencing several hours of lost time and months of nightmares, the couple sought therapeutic help. Under hypnosis, an amazing story of alien abduction unfolded. Betty saved the dress she was wearing at the time of the abduction, which had acquired an unexplainable large pink stain on the front bodice of the dress. The origin of this stain is presently under investigation in several laboratories. Here are the first findings.

In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill encountered a UFO while driving home from their honeymoon. After experiencing several hours of lost time and months of nightmares, the couple sought therapeutic help. Under hypnosis, an amazing story of alien abduction unfolded. Betty saved the dress she was wearing at the time of the abduction, which had acquired an unexplainable large pink stain on the front bodice of the dress. The origin of this stain is presently under investigation in several laboratories. Here are the first findings.

The fabric material studied in this report originated from a patterned, purple colored dress, Betty Hill wore at the time of her “abduction experience” in 1961. After this incident Betty hung the dress in a closet at her home in Portsmouth, New where, until recently it remained relatively undisturbed. The main purpose of this study was to examine samples from a pink stain area on the upper part of the dress and compare the subtle or implicate energy properties with non-stain (control) fabric from the same dress.

These cellulose acetate dress samples were obtained through the interactive efforts of M. Ruben, Ms. Kathy Marden and Mr. Bill Konkolesky. Fabric sections approximately 3x4 cm in area, were submitted to this laboratory by Bill Konkolesky on July 16, 2002.

An initial series of experiments were conducted to determine the influence of the stained fabric on the internal energy of water. The test procedure is based on a method developed by Levengood and Gedye (1,2), for monitoring Charge Density Pulses (CDP) originating within water and living organisms. Since living systems are composed of around 95% water (both bound and free), the rational for comparing the fabric samples for possible stain induced changes in water, becomes obvious.

Dress fragments with an aliquot weight of 44 mg were added to the 20 ml of pure water in the CDP-petri dish system. Each test series was initiated around 9:00A and repeat CDP traces were taken at 10 min. intervals over a period of 5-6 hrs. These data were examined statistically and from this it was determined that the fabric from the stain area induced a higher degree of internal energy in the water when compared with the aliquot from the non-stain fabric. The question then arises as to whether this stain material could have any influence during interaction with a living organism?

To examine these possible interactive factors the water samples from the CDP tests were used in a wheat seed – petri dish bioassay. Standard germination procedures were used (20 seeds per test placed on special, moist paper disks used in petri dish germination). These dishes were placed inside a germination chamber (25C) and measurements of the coleoptile (shoot) development were recorded at time points during the germination cycle.

Although the general procedure is to take the first data at 3 days, it was noticed that at 48 hrs. development, there appeared to be a growth difference between the two populations of seedlings. Due to the fact that an early growth difference is a very unusual situation, measurements were taken of coleoptile lengths. These data are summarized in the following table.

Bioassay tests using water in which the Betty Hill, fabric samples (44 mg.) had been soaked (data taken from wheat seeds after 48 hr. in germination chamber).

This bioassay test was continued out to the 7-day germination stage. At this point the seedlings in the stain water dish, disclosed a 34% increase relative to the controls, still statistically significant. Because of this very unusual growth response in the stain area sample it was decided to conduct a second bioassay.

This test procedure is defined as Paper Roll Germination. The seeds are positioned in a row along special germination paper, using 30 seed per roll. Also included in this bioassay is a test roll designated as “control #1” – plain water (100 ml in 8 oz. vial) with no dress sample. The sample designated as “control #2” has 4-mg/100 ml, of material from the non-stain region. The third sample group designated “stain region” has 4-mg/100 ml, of dress material from the pink stain area.

In this type of test a “Development Factor” (Df) is applied in the data analysis. With this factor one is able to take into account both the fraction germinated and the mean seedling length, for each test sample and at each development stage. This Df factor is given by the simple relationship:

Df = (fraction germinated) x (average seedling length)

In Fig.1 the development data (Df) are summarized over the 7-day period of testing. There is no statistical difference between the two control samples. This means that the dress material from the non-stain region had no apparent influence on the development characteristics of the bioassay seeds.

By contrast the seedlings in the container with the material from the stain region developed at a significantly (P<0.05) higher rate than either of the control samples. It should also be noted in Fig.1 that the growth rate (cm/day) of the seedlings in the dish with the stain sample also continued to be at a higher level (greater slope constant) throughout the test period. At seven days the stain region seedlings disclosed a +30% increase relative to the controls, a value which is approximately the same as obtained (+34%) in the petri dish Bioassay #1.

In general the data presented in this study clearly indicate that the material on the dress, can in its present state alter metabolic activity in living organisms. Although it increased the growth rate in plant seedlings, what it might do when contacting other living systems is not known, nor is there any assurance that it has not changed properties during the 40 yr. storage.

It is very difficult to alter the seedling development in plants. For example adding plant food to the water media in which the plants are exposed during germination will not increase development rate and in fact can in some cases produce decreased germination. Application of plant hormones such as gibberellins and auxins produce characteristic changes in the seedling morphology, which were not observed in this study. These factors are mentioned here so that the reader can appreciate the unusual growth responses obtained with this material.

During a recent meeting with Phyllis Budinger, of Frontier Analysis, Ltd., a series of beautiful photomicrographs of the Betty Hill dress samples were presented, as well as numerous, infrared spectrographic tests. Her findings are extremely interesting and it is anticipated that her comprehensive study will be released in the near future.

W.C. Levengood and J.L. Gedye, Evidence for Charge Density Pulses Associated with Bioelectric Fields in Living Organisms, Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, 8, pp 33-54 (1998).

W.C. Levengood and J.L. Gedye, Method and Apparatus for Detecting, Recording and Analyzing Spontaneously Generated Transient Electric Charge Pulses in Living Organisms. U.S. Patent No. 6,347,238 B1, Feb. 12, 2002.

Copyright © 2003. All Rights Reserved. Dr. William C. Levengood of Pinelandia Biophysics Laboratory of Michigan.

Click here to see Wheat Seedling Bioassay Using Betty Hill Dress



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