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Lynn Taylor: The Hynek UFO Classification System


Lynn Taylor, UFO Field Investigator

The Hynek UFO Classification System

Dr. J. Allen Hynek developed the following classification system for use in analyzing UFO encounters.

•Nocturnal Light A visual sighting of a light on the sky at night. About 35 - 40 % of all reports are nocturnal lights.

•Nocturnal Disc* A visual sighting of a UFO in form of a structured light seen at night.

•Daylight Disc A visual sighting of a UFO with distinct shape seen at daytime.

•Radar Cases UFOs detected on radar.

•Radar Visual Cases UFOs detected on radar and visually at the same time. About 1 - 2% of al reports are radar visual cases.

•Close Encounters of the First Kind A UFO observed within 150 yards.


Lynn Taylor: Alien and UFO Reports

•Close Encounters of the Second Kind A UFO that leaves some kind of evidence like burn marks on the ground or fragments of unknown material.

•Close Encounters of the Third Kind A UFO with visible occupants.

•Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind Abductions.

•Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Communication between a human and an alien.

* Added to the Hynek system later.

Lynn Taylor, Association for Aerial Anomaly Research and Cataloging (AAARC)

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