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Donald Worley: Noel from Alabama and the MIB Case Report

Donald Worley, Alien Abduction Researcher

Noel from Alabama and the MIB Case Report


Mr. Donald Worley asked Noel to describe her experience with MIBs (Men-in-Black).

Noel explained, "Oh my, the MIB. Well I see them as warning signs of bad times. I am aware of their presence, but they seem to ignore me. On 9/10/01 I was in the mall in Montgomery, Alabama and they (the MIB) seemed to be everywhere. Never approaching me or saying a word, I knew evil was about to be upon us. I foresaw the 9/11 attack but I only was shown the Pentagon. I knew, Donald. And nothing I could say would stop it. I take my 'gifts' with a grain of salt. Sometimes I doubt myself, but when the MIB show up I KNOW it is a real thing. I foresaw the attack on the USS Cole. I wasn't sure where the ship was but I saw the bombing clearly."

"I also am very worried about November of this year 2002. I don't see what yet but I will in time. As things come to me, I will email you the details if you wish. As far as the black helicopters go, I have always taken it as United Nations troops. I feel change is in the air for America in the next decade and we all need to be aware. I am glad to hear it was your sis to come though to me. I was not comfy with your thinking it was your wife. If this is your sis. She is so very proud of you. I can try to get in touch with your wife if you wish. I will do my best but as I said if they don't want to speak they won't."


Photo of Donald Worley, Alien Abduction Researcher

Photo of Donald Worley,
Alien Abduction Researcher

"As for paranormal things I have lived in a haunted house. I know what the presence of ghosts feels like. I do not fret about ghosts and have taken many ghost hunt trips to explore what some of us can't see. I wonder if I may ask you if you were abducted yourself? I would love to hear thestory you have to share. I know you have one; I sense it. The murders you talk of are too hard for me to focus on, so a newspaper clipping may help. This is too hard. I see children involved."

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