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Alien Symbols: Alien Star Chart Shown to Minnesota Man


Alien Symbols: Index of Alphabets, Insignias, Maps, Star Charts and Symbols

Alien Star Chart Shown to Minnesota Man

Alien Star Chart Shown to Minnesota Man

Manuel is an abductee from Minnesota who has been shown many strange symbols and pictures by the aliens. He knows the meaning of some of the symbols and drawings. He is hoping to find other abductees who recognize this star chart and what it means. Here is what he explained about the drawing.

He said, "This is a particular piece. I have almost a ream of symbols related to 'memories' I now know to be implanted and 'received' that come from possible contact experiences."

"I have material I am compelled to transcribe which are Rune-like in appearance. I have been compiling them since 1978. I call them automatic writings. I drew this symbol below in 1990 and it was finally translated in 1997. I know what it means. I have recent material that may have been the result of a recent abduction experience. Something is up. Secondly, do any abductees report being told that they are 'mission engineers'? I really need to know."

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